League Against AIDS, Inc. | 3050-Biscayne Blvd., | Suite 509 | Miami | FL | 33137 | 305-576-1000 | liga@aol.com | www.leagueagainstaids.com |
Learner Managed Designs | P.O. Box 199 | | Pleasantville | NY | 15070 | 914-769-0055 | stteenmag@aol.com | |
Lincoln Medical Education | 4600 Valley Road | | Lincoln | NB | 68510 | 402-483-4581 | mrappl@lmef.org | www.lmef.org |
Los Angeles County Medica | P.O. Box 513-465 | | Los Angeles | CA | 90051 | 213-630-1113 | www.lacmanaet.org | karenn@lacmanet.org |
March of Dimes | P.O. Box 1657 | | Wilkes-Barre | PA | 18703 | 800-367-6630 | contact@cfm.org | www.modimes.org |
Medcom | P.O. Box 6003 | | Cypress | CA | 90630 | 800-877-1443 | customerservice@medcomin.com | www.medcomm.com |
Media Works | | | | | | | | |
MEE Productions | 340 North 12th Street | Suite 503 | Philadelphia | PA | 19103 | 877-633-7763 | info@meeproductions.com | www.meeproductions.com |
Metropolitan AIDS Neighbo | 702 Livernois | | Ferndale | MI | 48220 | 810-545-1435 | info@aidsprevention.org | www.aidsprevention.org |
Midwest AIDS Prevention Project | 702 Livernois | | Ferndale | MI | 48220 | 810-545-1435 | info@aidsprevention.org | www.aidsprevention.org |
Minority AIDS Project | 5149 W. Jefferson Blvd. | | Los Angeles | CA | 90016 | 213-936-4949 | info@map-la.org | www.map-la.org |
Moi, Inc. | P.O. Box 289 | | Blackwood | NJ | 08012 | 800-438-7196 | | info@moiinc.com |
Mothers Voices | 165-W. 46th Street | Suite 701 | New York | NY | 10036 | 212-730-2777 | gm@mvoices.org | www.mvoices.org |
PRIDE | 12425-28th Street N. | Suite 103 | St. Pertersburg | FL | 33716 | 727-572-1987 | webmaster@peol.com | www.peol.com |
Pyramid Media | P. O. Box 1048 | Dept. FX | Santa Monica | CA | 90406 | 800-421-2304 | info@pyramidmedia.com | www.pyramidmedia.com |
Community Jail Linkage Coalition, Inc. | 3050 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 307 | | Miami | Florida | 33137 | 305-573-8311 | | www.cjlc.org |
Sarasota County Teens and | | | | | | | | |
Sarasota HIV/AIDS Coalition | P.O. Box 7382 | | Sarasota | FL | 34278 | 941-951-2576 | | contact.us@alsoyouth.org |
Select Media | 18 Harrison Street 5th floor | | New York | NY | 10013 | 212-431-8923 | sophie@selectmedia.com | www.selectmedia.com |
Send original to PRIDE fo | | | | | | | | |
SIECUS | 130 W. 42nd Street | Suite 350 | New York | NY | 10036 | | seicus@seicus.org | www.seicus.org |
The Correctional HIV Cons | | | | | | | | |
The Healing Theatre, Inc. | | | | | | | | |
The Learning Partnership | | | | | | | | |
Tim Peters and Company | 87 Main Street | | Peapack | NJ | 07977 | 908-234-2050 | Kathy@timpetersandcompany.com | www.timpertersandcompany.com |
TR | | | | | | | | |
Travis Co. Council for De | AIDS Services of Austin | 1524 South I-35 Suite 315 | Austin | TX | 78704 | 512-451-2273 | lbreslow@c-s-d.org | www.c-s-d.org |
TurtleDove Clemens | 735 SW First Avenue | Third Floor | Portland | OR | 97204 | 503-226-3581 | jay@turtledove.com | www.turtledove.com |
Tuskegee Univ. School of | School of Veterinary Medicine | | Tuskegee | AL | 36088 | 334-727-8461 | Svmc107@acd.tusk.edu | www.tuskegee.edu |
United Learning | 1560 Sherman Ave. | Suite 100 | Evanston | IL | 60201 | 847-647-0600 | info@unitedlearning.com | www.unitedlearning.com |
U-Order, Inc. | 5867 Oakland Ave. | | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 | 888-UDO-7701 | Boldt@rubbaducks.com | www.rubbaducks.com |
Florida Department of Health | 4052 Bald Cypress Way | Bin A09 | Tallahassee | FL | 32399 | 850-245-4444 | Beth_Swisher@doh.state.fl.us | www.doh.state.fl.us |
Syndistar, Inc. | 5801 River Road | | New Orleans | Louisiana | 70123 | 800-841-9532 | Jeff@syndistar.com | www.syndistar.com |
Chicago Department of Health | 411 S. Wells | Suite 300 | Chicago | IL | 60607 | 312-922-2322 | | www.aidschicago.org |
GlaxoSmithKline | 5 Moore Drive | P.O. Box 13398 | Research Triangle Park | NC | 27709 | 888-825-5249 | | us.gsk.com |
Community AIDS Network, Inc. | 1231 North Tuttle Ave. | | Sarasota | FL | 34237 | 941-366-0461 | | www.cccsrq.org.org |
Positive Education, Inc. | 3008 Malijo Ave. | | Tampa | FL | 33629 | 813-831-4159 | task@pos-ed.org | www.pos-ed.org |
SCENARIOS USA | 44 West 28th Street, 7th floor | | New York City | New York | 10001 | 212-252-9090 | | www.scenariosusa.com |
National Conference of State Legislatures | 7700 East First Place | | Denver | Colorado | 80230 | 303-364-7700 | | www.NCSL.org |
MVP Productions | P.O. Box 4126 | | Rockford | IL | 61110 | 815-877-1514 | Mander8813@aol.com | |
King and King Designs | P.O. Box 804902 | | Chicago | IL | 60680 | 312-666-8755 | chicagomoonpub@aol.com | www.livingdownlow.com |
Creative Synergies | P.O. Box 15115 | | Newark | Delaware | 19711 | | | |
GLMA Gay & Lesbian Medical Association | | | | | | 877-LGBTDOC | www.glma.org | www.glma.org/hepatitis |
Montclair Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority | 330 Tremont Ave | | East Orange | New Jersey | 07018 | 973-672-6851 | TeeRamz@aol.com | |
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation/MTV | 2400 Sand Hill Road | | Menlo Park | CA | 94025 | 650-854-9400 | | www.kff.org |
Common Ground USA | 1671 E. Saint Andrew Place | | Santa Ana | CA | 92705 | 7142599200 | service@totalaccessgroup.com | www.totalaccessgroup.com |
Rural Women's Health Project | P.O. Box 12016 | Robin Lewy/ Fran Ricardo | Gainesville | FL | 32604 | 352-372-1095 | rwhp@cafl.com | www.rwhp.org |
Pennsylvania Department of Health Bureau of Communicable Diseases | Room 1013, Health & Welfare Building | Attn: Stephen J. Kowalewski | Harrisburg | PA | 17120 | 717-787-3981 | c-skowalew@state.pa.us | www.health.state.pa.us/php/std |
Health Planning Council of NE Florida, Inc | 900 University Blvd N. Ste 110 | | Jacksonville | Florida | 32211 | 904-745-3050 | | |
Miami Dade CHD | 8600 NW 17 Street, Suite 200 | | Miami | FL | 33126 | 305-470-6999 | | dadehealth.org |
The Stratgies for Hope Trust | 93 Divinity Road | | Oxford OX4 1LN, | U.K. | | 44-1865-7276 | | |
BET | Public Affairs and Events | 1235 West Street, NE | Washington | D.C. | 20018 | | | www.rap-it-up-.com |
Total Access Group, Inc. | 1671 E. Saint Andrew Place | | Santa Ana | CA | 92705 | 7142599200 | service@totalaccessgroup.com | www.totalaccessgroup.com |
ZOR, Inc. | | | | | | | | |
Visionary Health Concepts | | | | | | | www.freehivinfo.com | www.freehivinfo.com |
Pyramid Media | 2801 Colorado Avenue | | Santa Monica | CA | 90404 | 310-828-7577 | info@pyramidmedia.com | www.pyramidmedia.com |
Pfizer, Inc. | 235 East 42nd Street | | New York | New York | 10017 | | | www.pfizer.com |
Advocates for Youth | 1025 Vermont Avenue NW | Suite 200 | Washington | DC | 20005 | 202-347-5700 | info@advocatesforyouth.com | www.advocatesforyouth.com |
AARP | 501 E. Street, NW | | Washington | DC | 20049 | 202-434-2293 | griefandloss@aarp.org | www.griefandloss.org |
AGC Education Media | 1560 Sherman Avenue | Suite 100 | Evanston | IL | 60201 | 800-421-2363 | rreed@unitedlearning | www.agcmedia.com |
AIDS Action Committee | 131 Clarendon Street | | Boston | MA | 02116 | 617-450-1234 | webmaster@aac.org | www.aac.org |
AIMS Media | 9710 DeSoto Avenue | | Chatsworth | CA | 91311 | 800-367-2467 | info@aimsmultimedia.com | www.aimsmultimedia.com |
Association Publications | P.O. Box 28937 | | Baltimore | MD | 21240 | 410-859-1500 | www.acha.org | pubs@acha.org |
Alfred Higgins Productions | 1550 Hamner Drive | | Los Angeles | CA | 90077 | 310-440-3232 | amontegran@aol.com | www.alfredhigginsprod.com |
American College Health Association | P.O. Box 28937 | | Baltimore | MD | 21240 | 410-859-1500 | | www.acha.org |
American Red Cross | 521-NE 4th Avenue | | Ft. Lauderdale | FL | 33301 | 954-779-2914 | olsonl@usa.redcross.org | www.arcbcc.org |
American Social Health Association | P.O. Box 13827 | | Research Triangle Park | NC | 27709 | 800-783-9877 | phidra@ashastd.org | www.ashastd.org |
Ansell, Inc. | | | | | | | | |
Blue Ridge Health Center | | | | | | | | |
Broward County Health Department | 2421-A SW 6TH Avenue | | Ft. Lauderdale | Florida | 33315 | 954-467-4774 | Lisa_agate@doh.state.fl.us | www.doh.state.fl.us |
Broward House Education Center | P.O. Box 350367 | | Ft. Lauderdale | Florida | 33335 | 954-522-4749 | mail@browardhouse.org | www.browardhouse.org |
Burroughs Welcome Co. | 5 Moore Drive | | Research Triangle Park | NC | 27709 | 800-722-9292 | | www.gsk.com |
Business and Legal Report | 141-Mill Rock Road East | | Old Saybrook | CT | 06475 | 800-727-5257 | scudmore@blr.com | www.blr.com |
Capital Communications | 2357-3 S. Tamiami Trail | | Venice | FL | 34296 | 941-492-4688 | Cap5678@earthlink.net | |
CDC National AIDS Clearing | P.O. Box 6003 | | Rockville | MD | 20849 | 800-458-5231 | info@cdcnpin.org | www.cdcnpin@org |
Center for Attitudinal Healing | 33 Buchanon Drive | | Sausalito | CA | 94965 | 415-331-6161 | Home123@aol.com | www.healingcenter.com |
Center for Cooperative Learning | 5700 SW 34th Street | Suite 323 | Gainsville | FL | 32608 | 904-392-3858 | ccl@ichp.edu | www.cpet.ufl.edu/cooplearn/default.htm |
Center for Haitian Studies | 8260 NE 2nd Avenue | | Miami | FL | 33138 | 305-757-9555 | chsinfo@bellsouth.net | www.chsinfo.org |
Center for Special Immuno | | | | | | | | |
CenterOne | 2817 E. Oakland Park Blvd. | | Ft. Lauderdale | FL | 33066 | 954-437-4111 | | |
Channing Bete Company | One Community Place | | South Deerfield | MA | 01373 | 888-834-6638 | custsvcs@channing-bete.com | www.channing-bete.com |
Child Welfare League | CSSC (Distributor) | P.O. Box 2019 | Annapolis Junction | MD | 20701 | 301-617-7825 | cwla@pmds.com | www.cwla.org |
Churchill Media | 6677 N. Northwest Hwy. | | Chicago | IL | 60631 | 800-386-2835 | custserv@svemedia.com | www.svemedia.com |
Collier County Health Dept | P.O. Box 429 | | Naples | Fl | 34112 | 239-774-8200 | | www.doh.state.fl.us/chdcollier |
Consulado General de Mexico | 5975 SW 72nd St. | Sunset Drive, Suite 101 | Miami | Fl | 33143 | 305-716-4977 | conmxmia@bellsouth.net | |
Haitian Women's Program | 464-466 Bergen Street | | Brooklyn | NY | 11212 | 718-399-0200 | Info-@haitianwomensprogram.org | www.haitianwomensprogram.org |
Harris County Medical Society | Houston Academy of Medicine | 1515 Herman Drive | Houston | TX | 77004 | 713-524-4267 | webmaster@hcms.org | www.hcms.org |
Heart of Glass Foundation | 2551-E. Madison | | Seattle | WA | 98112 | 206-322-3187 | | heartquest@seanet.com |
Heaven in View | | | | | | | | |
Health Education Resource Organization | 1734 Maryland Avenue | | Baltimore | MD | 21201 | 410-685-1180 | bzepp@hero-mcrc.org | www.hero-mcrc.org |
Human Relation Media | 41-Kensico Drive | | Mount Kisco | NY | 10549 | 800-431-2050 | orders@harmvideo.com | www.hrmvideo.com |
Image Editorial | 305-East 46th Street | | New York | NY | 10017 | 212-548-4400 | Thomas@cablepositive.org | www.cablepositive.org |
The Center for Latino Community/National Council of La Raza | 6300 State University Drive | Suite 125/135 | Long Beach | CA | 90815 | 562-985-5312 | rleon@nclr.org | |
Anson Stoner | | | | | | | | |
The Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller, The Commandery of | | | Palm Beach | Florida | | 917.860.4399 | nyquest@mindpsring.com | http://www.henryandaspecialfriend.com/display.cfm?Page=1 |
St. Lucie County Health Department | 5150 NW Milner Drive | | Port St. Lucie | Florida | 34983 | 772-462-3925 | | |
Center for Multicultural Wellness and Prevention | 1814 West Colonial Drive | | Orlando | Florida | 32804 | 407-648-9440 | | |
ALERT Health, Inc | 660 N.E. 125 Street | | Miami | Florida | 33161 | | | www.alerthealth.org |
EZ Takes | | | | | | | | www.eztakes.com/store/move/Please-Talk-to-Kids-About-AIDS-Movie-Dowload.jdp |
The Balm in Gilead | 701 East Franklin Street | Suite 1000 | Richmond | VA | 23219 | 804-644-2256 | | |
Coronet/MTI | P.O. Box 2500 | | Lebannon | Indiana | 46052 | 800-621-2131 | info@phschool.com | www.phschool.com |
Correctional HIV Consorti | 1528 Chapola Street | | Santa Barbara | CA | 93101 | 805-568-1400 | cmr@selectpersonnel.com | www.selectpersonnel.com |
Educational Comics | P.O. Box 704 | | Sherperdstown | WV | 25443 | 304-876-6985 | | |
Hispanic AIDS Awarness Program | 6401 SW 87th Avenue Suite 111 | | Miami | Fl | 33145 | 305-274-5600 | ems@emservices.com | www.HispanicAIDS.org |
ETR Associates | P.O. Box 1830 | | Santa Cruz | CA | 95061 | 800-321-4407 | ivanalst@etr.org | www.etr.org |
Evolution | Leevon Conner | P.O. Box 4374 | Key West | FL | 33041 | 305-296-6196 | Leevon.c@aidshelp.cc | www.aidshelp.cc |
Farm Workers Association | 815-South Park Avenue | | Apopka | FL | 32703 | 407-886-5151 | appopkafwaf@aol.com | |
Film Ideas | 308-N. Wolf Road | | Wheeling | IL | 60090 | 847-419-0255 | filmid@ais.net | www.filmideas.com |
Films for the Humanities | 12-Perrine Road | | Monmouth Junction | NJ | 08852 | 609-419-8000 | Elizabeth.Sheldon@films.com | www.films.com |
First Run / Icarus Films | 32-Court Street | 21st Floor | Brooklyn | NY | 11201 | 718-488-8900 | info@frif.com | www.frif.com |
Florida AIDS Education and Training Centers | University of Florida Health Science Center | P.O. Box 100177 | Gainesville | FL | 32610 | 352-395-8037 | aids@hpe.ufl.edu | www.faetc.org |
FLAAC | 656 N.E. 125th | Suite #2 | North Miami | FL | | 305-891-3666 | www.floridaaidsaction.org | information@floridaaidsaction.org |
Florida AIDS Health Fraud Task Force | 7200 - Lake Ellenor Drive | Suite 120 | Orlando | FL | 32809 | 407-648-6922 | | |
Gay/lesbian Community Cen | | | | | | | | |
Global Protection Corp. | 12 Channel Street | | Boston | MA | 02210 | 617-946-2800 | info@globalprotection.com | www.globalprotection.com |
GMHC | 119-Wesst 24th Street | | New York | NY | 10011 | 212-367-1086 | hotline@gmhc.org | www.gmhc.org |
God's Love We Deliver | 166 Avenue of the Americas | | New York | NY | 10013 | 212-294-8100 | info@glwd.org | www.godslovewedeliver.org |
Graphic Calculator Company | 234-James Street | | Barrington | IL | 60010 | 847-381-4480 | slide-chart@aol.com | www.slid-chart.com |
Haitian Coalition on AIDS | 50 Court Street | Suite 1010 | Brooklyn | NY | 11051 | 718-855-7275 | info@haitiancenterscouncil.org | http://www.haitiancenterscouncil.org/programs.htm |
HIV/AIDS Program Office - Tampa Bay | 6800 N. Dale Mabry Hwy | Suite 220 | Tampa | FL | 33614 | 813-871-7600 | Medicacidwithhelp6@fdhc.state.fl.us | www.fdhc.state.fl.us |
Impact AIDS | P.O. Box 9443 | | Seattle | WA | 98109 | 800-783-2437 | | www.employerhealth.com |
Imperial Expressions | 10001-NW 50th Street #102B | | Sunrise | FL | 33351 | 305-749-4499 | impexpromos@aol.com | www.imperialexpressions.net |
Intermedia | 1165-e Lake Ave. E, | Suite 400 | Seattle | WA | 98109 | 800-553-8336 | info@intermedia.com | www.intermedia-inc.com |
Journeyworks Publishing | P.O. Box 8466 | | Santa Cruz | CA | 95061 | 831-423-1400 | jworks@journeyworks.com | www.Journeyworks.com |
Kidsrights | 8902-Otis Avenue | | Indianapolis | IN | 46216 | 800-892-5737 | justlife@jist.com | www.kidsrights.com |
Krames Health and Safety Education | 780 Township Line Road | | Yardley | PA | 19067 | 800-333-3032 | info@krames.com | www.krames.com |
Larry Witters | | | | | | | | |
NAACP/ Dupont Pharmaceuti | 4805-Mt. Hope Drive | | Baltimore | MD | 21215 | 410-358-8900 | health@naacpnet.org | www.naacp.org |
National Association of People with AIDS | 1413 K St NW | Suite 700 | Washington | DC | 20005 | 202-898-0414 | info@napwa.org | www.napwa.org |
National Clearinghouse fo | | | | | | | | |
National League for Nursi | | | | | | | | |
National Minority AIDS Council | 1931 13th Street, NW | | Washington | DC | 20009 | 202-483-6622 | cvelez@nmac.org | www.nmac.org |
National Native American | 434-15th Street | | Oakland | CA | 94612 | 510-444-2051 | nnaapc@aol.com | www.nnaapc.@aol.com |
National PTA | 330 N. Wabash Avenue | Suite 2100 | Chicago | IL | 60611 | 312-670-6782 | | www.PTA.org |
New Dimension Media | 680 N. Lake Shore Drive | Suite 900 | Chicago | IL | 60611 | 312-642-9400 | Info@NDMquestar.com | Info@NDMquestar.com |
New York State Department | Empire State Plaza | Corning Tower, Room 244 | Albany | NY | 12237 | 518-474-3459 | hivict@health.state.ny.us | www.health.state.ny.us |
Novela Health Education | | | | | | | | |
Outreach, Inc. Daytona Be | | | | | | | | |
Palm Beach County Health | 301 Broadway | | Rivera Beach | FL | 33405 | 561-882-3200 | Louis_Reiter@doh.state.fl.us | www.doh.state.fl.us |
Partners in Health | 641 Hungtington Ave. 1st Floor | | Boston | MA | 02115 | 617-661-2669 | info@pih.org | www.pih.org |
Pasco County Health Depar | 10841 Little Road | | New Port Richey | Fl | 34654 | 727-869-3900 | | www.doh.state.fl.us |
PBS Ad Specialties | P.O. Box 700 | | Interlachen | FL | 32148 | 800-940-3881 | pbs@gbso.net | www.pbsadspecialities.com |
Positive Promotions | 4001 168th Street | | Fleshing | NY | 11358 | 800-635-2666 | service@positivepromotions.com | www.positivepromotions.com |
Johnson | Test | | Test city | FL | 33333 | 888-888-0990 | | |
| | | | | | | | |