HIV/AIDS Publications /


A few tips for using this search engine:
You can search this database by Target Audience, Subject, Language, Year Published and Vendor. Additionally, if you know the Title of a specific educational material, you may search for it that way.

We suggest you keep your search inquiry as broad as possible to ensure all possible titles are selected for your review.

Also, The Florida Department of Health does not act as a vendor for materials and does not endorse any material, either directly, or by the inclusion of said material, on the Approved List of HIV/AIDS Educational Materials.

Once more, all materials should be ordered directly from the vendor. Vendor addresses and phone numbers are listed in the Vendor List. The HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Program does not have all materials available.

To view a complete list of the Vendors, Click on the following link -

To view a complete list of archived publications, Click on the following link -

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CDC Statement on these materials: This site contains HIV prevention messages that may not be appropriate for all audiences. Since HIV infection is spread primarily through sexual practices or by sharing needles, prevention messages and programs may address these topics. If you are not seeking such information or may be offended by such materails, please exit this website.