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TitleVendorStock #YearHighlights
What young people whould know about the emotionalChanning Bete CompanyQM49254A2008Helps teenagers see how important it is to stand firm against sexual pressure. Booklet focuses on the psychological risks faced by giving in; loss of independence and respect-insights that help give
Meth - Avoid its deadly trapChanning Bete CompanyQJ30648A Fact-packed yet concise overview of how methamphetamine can damage the mind and body. Readers also learn about the different forms of the drug and hose these forms are used.
Met - Evite esta trampa motralChanning Bete CompanyQJ33105A Fact-packed yet concise overview of how methamphetamine can damage the mind and body. Readers also learn about the different forms of the drug and how these forms are used.
HIV and AIDS - Information you needChanning Bete CompanyQJ71746A2008A concise, easy-to-understand explanation of HIV and AIDS. Explains how HIV is spread, how to avoid becoming infected, and when to get tested. Reassures readers that people with HIV can lead full liv
About Hepatitis CChanning Bete CompanyQJ20486A2008Concise, easy-to-understand text explains how the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spread, its common symptoms, how it is diagnosed, and how to prevent its spread. Reassures those who suffer from HCV that
Chlamydia - Reduce your riskChanning Bete CompanyQJ31656A2007Provides essentials that readers need to know to protect themselves from chlamydia; to recognize symptoms if infected; and to appreciate how an untreated infection can hurt them, their partner and the
Hepatitis C - What you should knowChanning Bete CompanyQU16217A2009Bi-lingual brochure. Reveals the serious health dangers presented by hepatitis C. Shows how to avoid getting and transmitting infection with such strategies as condom use and not sharing needles or o
Alcohol, Other Drugs & Sex-Breaking link HIV/ STDsChanning Bete CompanyQG309832009This brochure clearly shows older teens and young adults how the use of alcohol and other drugs weakens good judgment and puts them at risk of contracting HIV & other STDs. Recomends refusal technique
HIV Testing - A part of routine health careChanning Bete CompanyQJ35441A2007A clear, simple message about the importance of making HIV testing a standard part of health exams. Explains HIV tests and results, tells where to get tested & gives guidence on what to do after getti
Rapid HIV Testing - Why wait to find out?Channing Bete CompanyQJ33419A Encourages readers at risk of HIV infection to get an OraQuick HIV test as routine part of their health care. Emphasizes that test is quick & that test results are available in less than an hour. Expl
HIV Testing - Get the FactsChanning Bete CompanyQJ31750A About the importance of getting tested for HIV infection-backed by information on who should get tested-how HIV tests work, what results mean, where to get tested, & how to proceed after getting eithe
Get Informed Not Infected-HIV and Other STDsChanning Bete CompanyQJ35036A2009A frank, age-targeted approach help capture middle-schoolers attention & open their eyes to the facts about HIV & other STDs, how they can protect themselves by avoiding behaviors that put them at ris
Oral Sex, HIV & Other STDs-Real Sex, Real RiskChanning Bete CompanyQL33963A Oral sex is real sex-and this brochure clearly explains to older teens & young adults the real risk of orally transmitting STDs. Signs of STD infection are described, as are ways to protect oneself fr
Disclosing HIV+ Status-When it's time to tellChanning Bete CompanyQL33791A Helps mature teens & young adults who are HIV-positive weigh the pros and cons of telling family members, friends, employers & others about their HIV status. Provides guidence on who they should tell
HIV/STD Testing - For YouChanning Bete CompanyGC34189A Testing: it's easy, confidential & affordable, and provides information people need for making important decisions about their health. That's the message, delivered via personal stories that also addr
HIV and Other STDs - Stop wondering, get tested.Channing Bete CompanyGC30950A Specially created to encourage older teens & young adults to get tested for HIV if they think the might have put themselves at risk of infection. Tells where they can get tested; clearly describes beh
Protect Yourself from HIV - For WomenChanning Bete CompanyGC33901A Alerts African American women to the risks they take with unprotected sex, & discusses self-protection strategies that include being in control on the issue of condom use. Urges readers to get help if
Women and HIV - The Power to Protect YourselfChanning Bete CompanyGC34702A Approachable, authoritative text affirms that high-risk behaviors put anyone at risk, while assertive behaviors-including communicating openly with partners, insisting on precautions, & resisting pres
Keep Free from HIV - For MenChanning Bete CompanyGC76118A Helps raise awareness about HIV among African American men. Provides the facts behind the myths; promotes condom use, not sharing needles & getting help for a drug problem; & strongly encourages reade
STD Prevention - What Men Should KnowChanning Bete CompanyGC33845A Audience-targeted lanugage & illustrations address the dangers of STDs & the ease with which men can become infected. Provides easy-to-understand facts about STDs-what they are, how they are spread, &
Hepatitis C and InmatesChanning Bete CompanyGC30476A2007Easy-to-read text alerts inmates to the short- & long-term consequences of untreated infection, & advocates taking certain steps for self-protection & to avoid infecting others. Explains how hepatitis
La hepatitis C y los presosChanning Bete CompanyGC30484A2007Easy-to-read text alerts inmates to the short- & long-term consequences of untreated infection, & advocates taking certain steps for self-protection & to avoid infecting others. Explains how hepatitis
What are STIs?Journeyworks Publishing5612-JA2010A basic overview of STIs in a very easy-to-read format. A great resource to convey information about protection strategies and encourage testing.
Puberty & AbstinenceETR Associates392-4B2007Explains how puberty increases pressure to have sex. Points out benefits of abstience. Suggests using a plan to help you stay abstinent.
STD FactsETR Associates153-1B Provides the information clients need to make healthier decisions. Gives overview of 8 common STDs. Explains what to watch for. Tells what happens if you don't get treated.
HIV - Talking with your teenETR Associates170-H52007Explains how to begin discussing HIV. Suggests building effective communication over time. Provides specific safer sex guidelines.
HIV - Talking with your childETR Associates169-H52007Discusses how to begin talking about HIV. Offers age-appropriate suggestions. Recommends basic communication guidelines.
HIV Fast Facts - What is HIV Positive?ETR AssociatesH151-H52008Designed for teens by a Marvel Comics illustrator. Perfect for abstinence-only programs
HIV Fast Facts - TestingETR AssociatesH153-H52007Designed for teens by a Marvel Comics illustrator. Perfect for abstinence-only programs
9 Sexually Responsible BehaviorsETR Associates310-H52006Shows why resposible choices make sense. Suggests getting friendly with condoms. Stresses the need for clear communication about "yes" and "no".
STD - Talking with your teenETR AssociatesR796-H52007Gives parents suggestions for discussing STD with teens, including: what to know; how to get ready; where to start
Condom Basics - A user's guideETR AssociatesH273-H52007Advises how to choose, use and store condoms. Covers protection from STD. Explains pregnancy prevention.
A to Z on STDs - Facts you should knowChanning Bete CompanyPS360772009Identifies health risks associated with unprotected sexual contact & describes symptoms of & treatment for common STDs. Encourages readers to get tested soon if infection is suspected.
ABA SIDACenter for Multicultural Wellness and PreventionOrder by Title2008Upbeat song presenting good information in a culturally appropriate manner.
About HerpesChanning Bete CompanyPS141342009Facts to fight the spread of herpes and help suffers cope. Describes herpes symptoms, how its transmitted, how to avoid exposing others, ways to help prevent recurrences & how to deal with emotions
About Protecting Yourself from HIVChanning Bete Company 2008Provides clear, concise facts about the effects of AIDS, the way HIV is and is not transmitted, behaviors that put people at risk of infection, preventive measures and current treatments.
About TuberculosisChanning Bete CompanyAQ377882008Alerts readersto TB's return as a health concern. Explains how TB attacks the body, the need for testing and how the disease is treated.
Abstinence, Birth Control and STIsJourneyworks Publishing5611-J92010Let teens know that they can be knowledgeable about reproductive health and still choose to be abstinent. Provides basic information about sexually transmitted infections and birth control.
Enfermedades de transmision sexual; lo que necesitChanning Bete Company 2007Sifillis se trate can anticioticos.
Bloodborne Pathogens-Safety in healthcare settingsChanning Bete CompanyPS227852007Tells how workers can protect themselves from infection by following universal precautions
Chlamydia - A hidden dangerChanning Bete Company 2008Provides methods of transmission and prevention measures, and how to become better prepared to recognize symptoms - and be alerted to the fact that some have no symptoms.
Do you protect yourself?ZOR, Inc.Order by Title2008 
Drinking & AbstinenceETR AssociatesR039-H12008Covers how drinking affects emotions. Suggests ways to stick to an sbstinence decision. Tells how to resist pressure. Appropriate for abstinence-only programs.
Drinking & SexETR AssociatesH128-H12010Explains how drinking increases pregnancy risk. Shows how alcohol affects the body. Covers how drinking can interfere with using birth control. Discusses how much alcohol is too much.
Enterese de las ETS: Pordria salvarle la vidaChanning Bete CompanyAQ455672008Identifies health risks associated with unprotected sexual contact and describes the symptoms of and treatment for common STDs
Facts about STDsChanning Bete CompanyQG17092009This straightforward and simply brochure gives readers the facts they need to prevention infection and transmission. Warns that some STDs have no symptoms; highlights prevention-including abstinence
Get the facts about TB-And breathe easier!Channing Bete CompanyGC45294A2007Alerts readers to TB's return as a health concern. Explains how TB attacks the body, the need for testing, and how the disease is treated. Stresses how important it is to complete treatment.
Getting what you want from body artETR AssociatesR009-6L2009Covers tattoos, piercings, branding and scarification. Lists short and long term effects. Suggests questions to ask the studio and artist.
Hablemos Del SexoZOR, Inc.Order by Title2007 
Health Facts: HIV & STD PreventionETR AssociatesH321-H12010User-friendly format makes it easy to research the topic and prepare to present information, lead discussions and answer questions. Ideal for Educators
Helping your child abstain from sex-for parentsChanning Bete CompanyPS728042007Parents will appreciate the insight, honesty and practical advice. They'll learn how & when to approach the topic, how to make use of "teachable moments" & how to earn & maintain their child's trust
Hepatitis C - What you should knowChanning Bete CompanyGC42861A2008Reveals the serious health dangers presented by Hepatitis C. Shows who to avoid getting and transmitting infection with such strategies as condom use and not sharing needles or other personal articles
HIV, AIDS and young people-protect your healthChanning Bete CompanyPS701282008Created especially for teens & young adults, it defines HIV and AIDS, explains the primary methods of transmission & discusses prevention methods
HIV, AIDS and Shooting UpChanning Bete CompanyPS401392008Basic tex alerts readers to the increased risk of AIDS associated with shooting drugs, and urges users to quit. Includes safety meansures for those who can't quit.
I hear different things about HIV. What are risks?ETR AssociatesR562-1L2007Explains what HIV is and how you get it. Discusses risk assessment and testing. Includes ways to practice safe sex.
In Our Own Words - Teens and AIDSETR AssociatesB003-ND2008Newly released on DVD. Profiles 5 young people who contracted HIV. Talking about living with HIV. Excellent resource to begin dialogue about reality of HIV and death-shows the beginning of the epidemi
Keep it real - HIV is no jokeZOR, Inc.Order by Title2007 
Know what? We know about HIV!Channing Bete CompanyPS984062007Interactive workbook helps youngsters avoid high-risk behavior by helping them build prevention skills. Colorful pages, easy-to-read text & exercises give kids age-appropriate information about HIV
La Clamidia - Un Pelogro OcultoChanning Bete CompanyOrder by Title2008Provides methods of transmission and prevention measures, how to become better prepared to recognize symptoms and to be alerted that sometimes there are no symptoms.
La Sifilis: aun una amenazaChanning Bete Company4175D-022008Spells out how the disease is transmitted & how the symptoms may be manifested in both men & women. Gives essential advice about prevention & treatment.
Learn about HIV TestingChanning Bete CompanyPS736882007Promotes testing to those who are at risk of infection. Provides a clear explanation of what the test is, who should get tested, how HIV tests work and what results mean
Learning about HIV and AIDSChanning Bete CompanyPS830832008Word puzzles and pictures to color help youngsters understand that HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Reassuring and educational treatment of the topic
Let's Talk about SexZOR, Inc.Order by Title2007 
Let's Talk about STDsChanning Bete CompanyPS575702009Helps give kids the real story about STDs, through puzzles; quizzes & other compelling activities. The primary message: stay health through abstinence
Living with HIV: FeelingsETR Associates012-H12009Covers how to respect feelings, deal with stress, get support
Living with HIV: Managing HIVETR AssociatesR321-H12010Covers important topics such as what HIV infection is, counting t-cells, measuring viral load
Living with HIV: SexETR Associates015-H12009Provides safer sex options, ways to talk to a partner and importance of knowing facts.
Living with HIV: Staying HealthyETR Associates011-H12009Offers practical suggestions for eating well, staying active and avoiding infections
Living with HIV: Treatment OptionsETR Associates013-H12008Clearly explains kinds of treatments, drug trials, the importance of care and treatment.
Lo que toda mujer debe saber sobre el VPHJourneyworks Publishing5383-M32007Explains link between HPV and cervical cancer. Suggests HPV vaccine as one option for high-risk HPVs.
Los Jovenes y las ETSETR Associates462-NM2010Explains what STDs are and how they're transmitted. Stresses that anyone can get an STD. Outlines a protection plan that includes abstinence-or using condoms for sex-and not sharing needles
Marijuana-It's more dangerous than you thinkChanning Bete CompanyOrder by Title2008Promotes avoidance of this gateway drug by opening readers' eyes to the immediate risks and possible long-term physical and emotional effects of marijuana use
My TestimonyZOR, Inc.Order by Title2007 
Needles, HIV and HepatitisJourneyworks Publishing5608-J82009Sharing needles used for drugs or tattoos and body piercing may spread viruses that cause HIV or hepatitis. This title offer basic facts and protection strategies to reduce risk.
Not ready for sex - talking with your partnerETR AssociatesR7332007Explains benefits of abstinence. Offers suggestions for talking with a partner. Gives tips on what to discuss
Palabras Sabias (Words of Wisdom)Miami Dade CHDOrder by Title2007Excellent information presented in a very culturally appropriate manner. Information is presented by poster and palmcard format
Paukie? PaskeMiami Dade CHDOrder by Title2007Haitian-Creole DVD for Voices Intervention
Prevention opportunistic infections-Tips for peoplChanning Bete CompanyPS395292009A comprehensive plan for living with HIV. Addresses most infection-control concerns;taking precaution with food & water, practicing safer sex, staying safe around animals, avoiding infection at work
Women & Safer SexETR Associates493-H12010Provides safer sex guidelines. Discusses why safer sex matters. Explains why women get HIV/STDs more easily than men. Suggests ways to encouarge a partner to practice safer sex.
Thinking about contraceptionChanning Bete CompanyQG305582009Concise, easy-to-use guide to different types of birth control. Urges readers to use birth control to prevention unplanned pregnancies, reminds them contraception is a team effort.
Vaginitis - What women should knowChanning Bete CompanyPS362262009Describes the causes, signs & symptoms of the 3 main causes of vaginities & explains how it is treated. Answers common questions & explains how to prevent infectection.
What every woman should know about HPV & cervicalJourneyworks PublishingS351-M32007Explains link between HPV and cervical cancer. Suggest HPV vaccine as one option for high-risk HPVs.
What is Chlamydia?Journeyworks Publishing5614-J92010This easy reading title describes what people can do to protect themselves. Stresses that chlamydia often goes undected and recommend testing.
What is Herpes?Journeyworks Publishing5613-J92010Using plan language and captioned illustrations, this reader-friendly title offers a clear and supportive summary of this very common STI.
What is HPV?ETR Associates458-NM2009Describes HPV and tells how you get it. Explains that HPV often doesn't cause problems. Discusses genital warts and cervical cancer. Tells how to protect yourself.
Tattoos & Body Piercing-Protecting-Hepatitis & HIVJourneyworks Publishing5174-J12011Issues to consider when getting tattooed or pierced. Recognize the risks!
Self-Esteem, HIV and Safer SexJourneyworks Publishing5091-J1 Help for figuring out what gets in the way of practicing safer sex and how to tackle emotional barriers
HIV and AIDS: Should I get tested?Journeyworks Publishing5045-J12006A solid overview of HIV antibody testing and support for getting tested. Demystifies the testing process.
Help your teenager build healthy relationshipsJourneyworks Publishing5616-J12010A tip-filled title for parents on how to communicate to young people about healthy relationships, making good choices and staying safe. Includes advice on what to do if a relationship shows signs of
HIV, Alcohol and other DrugsJourneyworks Publishing5133-J12010Convince your clients or students that alcohol and drug use could put them at serious risk for HIV.
El VIH, El Alcohol y otras drogasJourneyworks Publishing5304-J12010Convince your clients or students that alcohol and drug use could put them at serious risk for HIV
Teens, Sex and Birth ControlJourneyworks Publishing5038-J12011An introduction to birth control that won't overwhelm teens. Focuses on: why use birth control, where to get it and how to prevent STIs.
50 Things men need to know - sex & responsbilityJourneyworks Publishing5281-J12009Concrete ways guys can be responsible about sex. Covers STIs, birth control, fatherhood issue and more.
50 Things you should know - HPV & Genital WartsJourneyworks Publishing5278-J12010Raise awareness of one of the most common STIs in the world and its related risks. Important risk reduction strategies.
HIV, STIs and Oral SexJourneyworks Publishing5329-J1 Help young people understand the risk of STIs involved with oral sex. Convers STIs that can be passed through oral sex and ways to reduce sex. A frank discussion of an often misunderstood topic.
Women and STIsJourneyworks Publishing5048-J12009STI facts just for women. Includes information about testing and screening and getting regular Pap tests. An empowering piece for women.
9 Signos de una relacion saludableJourneyworks Publishing5706-J12012Give young people the tools to recognize and build healthy relationships, and avoid unhealthy and abusive situations with this informative title. Empowering.
HIV and Sex: Unsafe, Safer and SafestJourneyworks Publishing5146-J12009Covers what's safe and what's not and what steps to take to stay free of HIV. A good tool for promoting protection.
El VIH y el Sexo-Muy riesgoso; menos riesgoso;Journeyworks Publishing5134-J12009Covers what's safe and what's not and what steps to take to stay free of HIV. A good tool for promoting protection.
Pressure to Drink Alcohol: A guide to saying noJourneyworks Publishing5251-J12009Identifies the ways young people ae influenced to drink and how to deal with those influences
Sex, Communication and RespectJourneyworks Publishing5378-J12009Urges young people to communicate clearly in sexual situations and avoid pressuring and being pressured. Very good guidelines for setting limits.
The Condom QuizJourneyworks Publishing5054-J12009Covers protection against HIV, STIs and pregnancy and recommendations for proper condom use in an entertaining format. Creative approach to condom facts.
The HIV QuizJourneyworks Publishing5088-J12009Use this engaging quiz format to deliver HIV facts. Multiple choice, true or false and other types of questions to get readers thinking
ChlamydiaJourneyworks Publishing5457-J12008Chlamydia can be treated and cured, but many people don't realize they have it. This piece includes valuable prevention and treatment information. Grat tool to encourage testing.
STDs Testing and ScreeningJourneyworks Publishing5309-J12006Encourages young people to examine their risks and get tested or screened for STDs. Why it's important to get checked.
Hepatitis B & CJourneyworks Publishing5163-J12010Provides essential prevention steps for the two most dangerous types of hepatitis. Includes information about hepatitis A too.
Hepatitis B y CJourneyworks Publishing5242-J12010Provides essential prevention steps for the two most dangerous types of hepatitis. Includes information about hepatitis A, too.
Abstinence and Oral SexJourneyworks Publishing5330-J12010Counters the view that oral sex isn't "real sex" and gives young people good reasons for abstaining from sexual activity.
HIV and AIDS: 4 Ways to Protect YourselfJourneyworks Publishing5576-J12009Bi-lingual Brochure. An easy-to-read overview of HIV prevention strategies in a bilingual English/Spanish format.
How STIs affect your bodyJourneyworks Publishing5571-J12009Provides information on how the most common STIs affect various organs and systems, along with prevention and protection strategies. Encourages testing for STIs.
HPV Vaccine FactsJourneyworks Publishing5534-J12010Learn how the HPV vaccine can provide protection for girls and boys with this informative title. A great resource for parents and young people.
50 Things you should know before you have sexJourneyworks Publishing5037-J12010A straightforward summary designed to dispel myths and increase knowledge about unplanned pregnancy, HIV and STIs, abstinence, birth control and more
50 Thinngs about binge drinking & alcohol poisonJourneyworks Publishing5308-J12011Facts to help reduce the risk of alcohol related illness, injury or death.
50 Cosas que excesio de alcohol y la intoxicacionJourneyworks Publishing5548-J12011Facts to help reduce the risk of alcohol related illness, injury or death.
Ecstasy and other club drugsJourneyworks Publishing5254-J12009Looks at the real risks involved with ecstasy and other club or party drugs. No preaching, just the facts!
Extasis y otras drogas de clubJourneyworks Publishing5354-J12009Looks at the real risks involved with ecstasy and other club or party drugs. No preaching. Just the facts!
50 Things you should know about alcoholJourneyworks Publishing5125-J12009Builds a case for not drinking with 50 provocative facts detailing the immediate and long-term effects of alcohol consumption.
Sex MythsETR Associates498-H52011Discusses common myths about sex, such as "oral sex isn't risky". Explains that there's a lot of misinformation online. Suggests how to find out the truth about sex. Reassures it's normal to have que
Sex Myths - The VideoETR AssociatesS227-H22011A DVD of the companion video for the Sex Myths brochure. No internet connection needed. High-quality viewing without buffering interruptions. Can be played on DVD players or any compatible computer
How Do People Get HIV?ETR AssociatesR528L-H52007Explains what HIV is and how you get it. Discusses risk assessment and testing. Includes ways to practice safer sex.
Living Healthy with HIVETR Associates508-H52011Provides an overview of what it means to live healthy with HIV. Lists ways to eat a healthy diet and be physically fit. Explores how to deal with stress. Discusses treatment options. Includes how
HIV Q&A: Answers for WomenETR Associates045-H52008Explains what HIV is and how you get it. Discusses what puts women at risk. Suggests how to protect yourself. Outlines symptoms and testing.
Safer Sex - Hot SexETR AssociatesE007-H52011Describes ways sex can be relaxed, easy and safe. Encourages talking, being playful and exploring all kinds of touch.
Good, Great Safe Sex After 50ETR Associates505-H42011Explains how sex may change as people get older. Suggests ways to expland sex beyond genital intercourse. Includes ways to keep sex satisfying and fulfilling. Explains STD/HIV risks
Being Gay/LesbianETR AssociatesR038-H52008Describes what it means to be gay/lesbian. Explains how to support gay friends. Lists things to think about when coming out.
Transgender: Understanding Gender DifferencesETR Associates374-H5 Describes what transgender means. Explains various ways to be gendered. Suggests ways to support trans friends.
Safer Works: If you shoot drugsETR Associates194-H52006Encourages users not to share needles. Describes how to clean needles when sharing. Uses a harm-reduction approach.
From an objective point of viewETR AssociatesG075-H52009Two friends make a pact not to have sex. But when passions flare, the agreement (and their friendship) is on the verge of being broken. Deals with abstinence, pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, STD and substance
ReflectionsETR AssociatesG061-H52009Three best friends learn to take the risk of HIV/AIDS seriously as they navigate romantic relationships. Also covers STD and substance abuse.
The MonsterETR AssociatesG074-H52009When three young men chat up the new girl on the block, only one gets lucky. But he is forced to deal with his HIV status. Covers abstinence, HIV/AIDS and STD
Drinking & STDETR AssociatesH127-H52008Discusses why drinking increases the risk of getting STD. Explains how alcohol affects the body. Discusses risks of mixing alcohol and other drugs. Suggests whys to protect yourself from STDs
STD TestingETR AssociatesK009L-H52007Explains why testing is important. Describes tests for 8 common STDs. Assures that tests are quick and easy. Includes who should be tested. Lists cures or treatments.
What is HIV?ETR Associates134-H52011Offers easy-to-understand information about HIV. Discusses testing and ways to keep from getting HIV. Outlines who HIV medicines work
HIV & STD: Living HealthyETR Associates343-H52008Explains why STD is especially dangerous if you have HIV. Discusses lowering risks and practicing safer sex. Lists symptoms and warnes that some STDs have not symptoms
HIV & TB: Living HealthyETR Associates341-H52008Explains why TB is a special concern if you have HIV. Describes how to protect yourself. Discusses how you get TB, symptoms, testing and treatment
HIV & Smoking: Living HealthyETR Associates370-H52008Explains why smoking is especially dangerous if you have HIV. Lists benefis of quitting. Describes quit-smoking strategies that work, including first steps
HIV & Diabetes: Living HealthyETR Associates345-H52008Explains that your diabetes risk is higher if you have HIV. Describes diabetes and prediabetes. Talks about risks and how to lower them. Discusses treatment.
Respect Yourself-Protect Yourself. How to condomsJourneyworks Publishing5683-J42011Empowers young women to protect themselves by taking a proactive approach to condom use
HIV - Getting TestedJourneyworks Publishing5045-J42011A solid overview of HIV antibody testing and strong support for getting tested.
Telling your partner you have an STIJourneyworks Publishing5607-J42011This is one of those conversations that no one looks forward to, but this brochure can help make talking to someone about an STI much easier. More than a dozen ways to plan for & begin the discussion
STIs - Getting TestedJourneyworks Publishing5309-J42011 
What people of faith should know about HIVChanning Bete CompanyQM75995A2011Takes a nondenominational approach to helping people of faith better understand HIV and its prevention. Identifies behaviors that put people at risk, tells how to help stop the spread of HIV, and sug
HIV - Prevention and ProtectionChanning Bete CompanyQM36668A2011Bilingual Brochure. This informative brochure defines HIV, describes what the virus does to the human body and explains how it is-and is not-spread. Brochure also details ways to prevent HIV infecti
STDS-Keeping Tabs on Being STD-FreeChanning Bete CompanyQM83247B2011Here's important information on what STDs are and how to prevent them that readers can find with a flip of a fingertip.Tabs that are color-coded to the content inside let readers quickly flip to secti
Las ETS-Seleccione y lea sobre como evitar contraeChanning Bete CompanyQM83296B2011Here's inportant information on what STDs are and how to prevent them that readers can find with a flip of a fingertip. Tabs are color-coded to the context inside to let readers quickly flip to sectio
STDs - Prevention and ProtectionChanning Bete CompanyQM36647A2011Blinigual Brochure. This no-nonsense brochure defines STDs, their symptoms and potential long-term health impacts. Brochure also details ways to avoid contracting STDs, encourages readers to get teste
12 Reasons to Take STDs SeriouslyChanning Bete CompanyQM23636A2011Easy-reading text and engaging photographic illustrations make this an effective tool for education eveyone on STDs. Format educates readers about STD testing, the signs of an STD, why pregnant women
12 Motivos para tomar las ETS en serio?Channing Bete CompanyQM23767A2011Easy-reading text and engaging photographic illustrations make this brochure an effective tool for educating everyone on STDs. Format educates readers about STD testing, the signs of an STD, why pregn
Women & HIV: A Call to Women of ColorChanning Bete CompanyQM31582A Underscores that HIV can infect anyone and that there has been a marked increase in HIV infection among women in communities of color. Urges readers to protect themselves by practicing safer sex, avo
Women & HIV: Getting Him to use a condomChanning Bete CompanyQM31574A2009Information of great value to women who want their male partner to practice safer sex. Brochure gives effective responses to a partner's resistance, explains proper condom use, and advises on dealing
Women & HIV: To women in their teens and twenties.Channing Bete CompanyQM31607A Helps empower sexually active young women to protect themselves from HIV infection. Explores ways to take personal responsibility for self-protection, including setting limits, buying condoms and cho
Women & HIV: Sex, Lies and Staying AliveChanning Bete CompanyQM31701A Addresses the problem of deception and misinformation when seeking the truth about a partner's sexual history. Urges women to put self-protection above all else, offers tips on how to proceed if they
HIV and Men - A call to men of colorChanning Bete CompanyQM309575 Impresses upon young men of color that they can-and must-take steps to protect themselves and others from HIV. Emphasizes that anyone who participates in high-risk behavior can be infected, identifie
The truth about Meth-Going Nowhere FastChanning Bete CompanyQM33594A This attention-getting brochure is designed to inform older teens and young adults about the risks of using meth. Decribes the negative short-and-long term effects the drug can have on one's body and
STDs-Your Guide to Staying STD-FreeChanning Bete CompanyQM47535A2009A discreet, portable way to help people avoid the risky behaviors that can lead to STDs. Quickly raises awareness about STD symptoms, the importance of testing, what to do if an STD is suspected, and
ETS-Su guia para mantnerse libra de ETSChanning Bete CompanyQM47606A2009A discreet, portable way to help people avoid the risky behaviors that can lead to STDs. Quickly raises awareness about STD symptoms, the importance of testing, what to do if an STD is suspected, and
HIV Prevention and Testing (Pocketminder)Channing Bete CompanyQM47628A2011Reminds people that it's their actions-not who they are-that can put them at risk of contracting HIV. Describes and depicts proper condom use, emphasizes that testing is the on
Prevencion y prueba del VIHChanning Bete CompanyQM47664A2011Credit-card-sized guide reminds people that it's their actions-not who they are-that can put them at ris of contracting HIV. Describes and depicts proper condom use, emphasizes testing is the only way
Living Well With HIV: Self-Care HandbookChanning Bete CompanyQM93891K2009An excellent guide for people in the early stages of HIV infection as well as for family, friends, and caregivers. This handbook provides checklists, fill-ins, and charts for a customized health.
Vivir bien con el VIH: Practico de saludChanning Bete CompanyQM94019K2009An excellent guide for people in the early stages of HIV infection as well as for family, friends and caregivers. This handbook provides checklists, fill-ins and charts for a customized health plan.
Hepatitis C-What you should knowChanning Bete CompanyQM42861A Reveals the serious health dangers presented by hepatitis C. Shows how to avoid getting and transmitting infection with such strategies as condom use and not sharing needles or other personal articles
Living with Viral Hepatitis; Self-Care HandbookChanning Bete CompanyQM93601K2009Hands-on guide shows people how to live healthier with hepatitis. Provides a quick, clear understanding of hepatitis A, B and C; their symptoms & treatments; and how they're spread.Tells how making he
Making Responsible Choices About SexChanning Bete CompanyQM18788A2009Encourages young people to make values an important part of decisions about sex; asks them to consider their readiness, their reasons, and the potential consequences; hows others ways to build loving
Drinking & HIVETR AssociatesR766-1B2011Suggests why drinking increases HIV risk. Covers how alcohol affects the body. Lists ways to reduce risk. Stresses that drinking makes it harder to talk with a partner about past HIV risk.
Meth & Gay MenETR Associates450-IB2008Provides nonjudgemental facts about the risk of using methamphetamine. Discusses the upside and downside of having sex on meth. Describes how to protect yourself by not using. Suggests ways to lowe
Smoking & Gay MenETR Associates451-1B2008Discussess special issues gay men have about smoking and quitting. Outlines a plan for quitting. Suggests trying new habits for 2 weeks before quitting. Includes reasons gay men smoke and why they
Teens and HIV! Why risk it?ETR Associates161-1B2010Defines HIV in simple language. Explains how HIV is transmitted. Suggests how teens can protect themselves.
Los Jovenes y las ETS (Teens and STD)ETR Associates462-4B2010Explains what STDs are and how they're transmitted. Stresses that anyone can get an STD. Outlines a protection plan that includes abstinence - or using condoms for sex - and not sharing needles. Re
Abstinence & Oral SexETR Associates427-1B2007Emphasizes that oral sex isn't abstinence. Discusses the risks of oral sex, including STD and emotional consequences. Suggests making an abstinence plan. Encourages knowing how you'll stick to your
Eating well with HIVETR Associates438-H52007Emphasizes the importance of nutrition for people with HIV. Explains who nutrition can boost energy and strengthen the immune system. Includes tips to lose or gain weight.
STD & Gay MenETR Associates435-H52007Discusses why its important to avoid all STDs. Compares HIV protection to STD protection. Explains the different types of STDs. Talks about condom use and other protection.
HIV FactsETR AssociatesH196-H52007Explains what HIV is and how you get it. Discusses risk assessment and testing. Includes ways to practice safer sex.
VIHETR AssociatesR736-H52007Explains what HIV is and how you get it. Discusses risk assessment and testing. Includes ways to practice safer sex
What is Chlamydia?ETR Associates459-1B Describes chlamydia and how you get it. Explains that it can cause serious problems if not treated. Discusses the importance of testing. Lists easy steps to cure it with medicine.
What is HPV?ETR Associates458-1B2009Describes HPV and tells how you get it. Explains that HPV often doesn't cause problems. Discusses genital warts and cervical cancer tells how to protect yourself.
Que es el VHP (What is HPV?)ETR Associates473-1B2009Describes HPV and tells how you get it. Explains that HPV often doesn't cause problems. Discusses genital warts and cervical cancer. Tells how to protect yourself.
STD & Anal SexETR Associates467-H52009Explains that anal sex is a form of sex and isn't risk free. Advises that STD risks can be higher. Lists way to protect yourself. Emphasizes the need to use a barrier. Provides information about l
HIV & STD Prevention - After 50ETR Associates051-H52010Addresses myths and facts about risk. Explains basic prevention. Talks about special concerns for people over 50
STD and Oral SexETR Associates400-H52010Explains that oral sex is a form of sex and isn't risk free. Discusses how STD can be passed during oral sex. Describes how you can protect yourself.
HIV Mom-to-BeETR Associates143-1B2010Encourages pregnant women with HIV to get health care early. Tells how HIV medicines help. Suggests staying health and fit
Oral Sex & Gay MenETR Associates434-H52010Explains why oral sex risk can be confusing. Discusses oral sex risks and protection options. Lists specific choices men can make to reduce risk. Describes how STDs other than HIV can cause problems
What is safer sex?ETR Associates160-1B2009Offers explicit safer sex guidelines. Explains what can and can't be done safely. Suggests ways to enjoy sex safely.
Men & Safer Sex: Take ChargeETR Associates280-1B2010Follows a guy who decides condoms are sexy, smart and safe. Encourages men to talk to a partner, be prepared and practice using condoms.
Condom Power - Tips for Men; Tips for WomenETR Associates460-4B2010Double-sided Brochure. Gives men tips to help make condoms easy and sexy to use. Offers women tips for using condoms to protect themselves, have fun and relax with a partner. Includes suggestions t
Condoms - Hot TipsETR AssociatesE001-4B2010Offers great tips on using condoms to make sex better. Handy size ensures that it's carried and read. Folded 3 3/8" x 2 1/8". Opened 8 3/8" x 6 3/4"
Women - Protect your sexual healthETR AssociatesR016-4B2008Provides setps to STD prevention. Gives 5-point plan for choosing birth control. Includes a guide to breast self-exam
Men - Protect your sexual healthETR AssociatesH235-4B2008Discusses the male reproductive system. Covers STD and pregnancy prevention. Offers instructions for testicular self-exam
El alcohol y el VIH: pienseloETR AssociatesR765-4B2007Bilingual Brochure; Tells what HIV is. Explains how drinking increases HIV risks. Describes how to protect yourself.
If a Friend has HIVETR Associates396-4B2007Describes 3 stages of HIV: just diagnosed, doing well and feeling ill. Suggests what might be happening for the friend and how you can help. Discusses ways to take care of yourself.
HIV Test: Staying NegativeETR Associates048-4B2008Offers tips for people who have received a negative HIV test. Discusses ways to stay HIV negative. Outlines strategies to avoid slips.
HIV & Hep C; Living HealthyETR Associates342-4B2008Discusses how hepatitis C affects people with HIV. Describes hep C, how you get it and symptoms. Tells how to lower risk. Includes a section on caring for your liver.
HIV & Depression; Living HealthyETR Associates344-4B2008Discusses how depression is different from normal sad feelings. Describes ways to reduce your risk of getting depression. Encourages and describes treatment.
HIV & Drinking; Living HealthyETR Associates453-4B2008Describes how drinking can affect the health of someone with HIV. Discusses the importance of not stopping HIV medications to drink. Suggests tips for staying healthy.
HIV & Meth; Living HealthyETR Associates454-4B2008Explains why using methamphetamine is especially risky for people with HIV. Describes risks to the body, mind and behavior when you have HIV and use meth. Discusses why people use meth.
HIV Q&A: Antibody TestETR Associates044-4B2008Explains why to have an HIV test. Discusses confidential vs. anonymous testing. Explans what the results mean. Suggests where to get tested.
Condoms: Think About ItETR Associates008-4B2007Bilingual Brochure. Tells what a condom is and why it's important. Lists 4 easy steps to condom usage. Features clear illustrations
Condones: pienseloETR Associates008-4B2007Bilingual Brochure. Tells what a condom is and why its important. Lists 4 easy steps to condom usage. Features clear illustrations.
Condoms - How to use themETR AssociatesR734-4B2008Offers 5 easy steps to effective condom use. Tells how to make condoms sexy. Covers storage and expiration dates.
Condoms and STDETR Associates173-4B Answers common questions about condoms and STDs including: What are STDs? How can condoms help prevent them? How do you use a condom?
Teens and STDETR Associates464-4B2010Explans what STDs are and how they're transmitted. Stresses that anyone can get an STD. Outlines a protection plan that includes abstinence - or using condoms for sex - and not sharing needles. Rec
Los Jovenes y el VIH - Pro que arriesgarse?ETR AssociatesH131-4B2010Defines HIV in simple language. Explains how HIV is transmitted. Suggests how teens can protect themselves.
How to say no and keep your boyfriendJourneyworks Publishing5031-J12008A national poll found that three out of four teen girls said they were having sex because their boyfriend wanted them to.
Como decir no y conservar a tu novioJourneyworks Publishing5150-J12008A national poll found that three out of four teen girls said they were having sex because their boyfriend wanted them to.
HIV and STIs: FYI - A guide to preventionJourneyworks Publishing5411-J12010More in depth than a brochure, but far less dense than a book, this 16-page booklet summarizes essential information about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections into highly readable resource e
Lex's Guide to Tattoo and Body PiercingJourneyworks Publishing5318-J12009In a friendly question and answer format, Lex goes over what young people can do to help keep safe.
What if I have an STI?Journeyworks Publishing5051-J12010Basic steps to getting and staying healthy for young people who think they have an STI.
Young and Gay - Protect yourself from HIVJourneyworks Publishing5130-J12009Give the younger generation of gay men HIV basics and support for staying safe.
Joven y Gay Protegee Contra el VIHJourneyworks Publishing5381-J12009Give the younger generation of gay men HIV basics and support for staying safe.
Ten good ways to protect yourself from HIV & AIDSJourneyworks Publishing5277-J12009Clear, easy to understand steps to keep from becoming infected with HIV.
Tattoos, Body Piercing and Your HealthJourneyworks Publishing5615-J12010The focus is on safety in this plain language discussion of tattoos and body piercing. It outlines safety rules for body and what to do in case of an infection.
A teen's guide to STIsJourneyworks Publishing5167-J12009Target teens with this introduction to STI facts; Looks at why they need to be concerned and steps for protection. Warns against risk behaviors. Encourages testing.
Sexual Pressure: A survival guide guide for guysJourneyworks Publishing5065-J1 Addresses the many pressure to have sex that young men face - from peers, the media, family and partners.
Presion Sexual-Guide de supervivencia para los homJourneyworks Publishing5149-J12008Addresses the many pressures to have sex that young men face-from peers, the media, family and partners
How Abstinence protects you from HIV and other STIJourneyworks Publishing5256-J12008Promotes abstinence as the most reliable protection
Como la abstinencia te protégé del VIH y otras ITSJourneyworks Publishing5302-J12008Promotes abstinence as the most reliable protection
Sex, Alcohol and your right to say noJourneyworks Publishing5124-J12010Strong ways to say no to alcohol and stay in control of the decision to wait.
Sexo, Alcohol y tu decrecho a decir "no"Journeyworks Publishing5424-J12010Strong ways to say no to alchol and stay in control of the decision to wait
STIs, Alcohol and Other DrugsJourneyworks Publishing5350-J12009Good encouragement for young people to stay in control of their actions and to avoid STIs
50 Things you need to know about STIsJourneyworks Publishing5127-J12011Clear up misinformation with these key facts about the seven most common STIs. Covers protection, transmission, symptoms and treatment.
50 Cosas que usted debe saber sobra los ITSJourneyworks Publishing5228-J12011Clear up misinformation with these key facts about the seven most common STIs. Covers protection, transmission, symptoms and treatment.
STIs: Understanding your riskJourneyworks Publishing5396-J12008Help young people understand what behaviors will put them at risk for infection, and what they can do to protect themselves.
Women and HIVJourneyworks Publishing5120-J12009Empowers women to practice safer sex and lower their risk of HIV. Covers negotiating safer sex, taking precautions during pregnancy and more.
HIV & STIs:Share these questions with your partnerJourneyworks Publishing5377-J12009Help your clients take a huge step toward HIV and STI prevention
50 Things you should know about HIV and safer sexJourneyworks Publishing5082-J12011Outlines the basic facts about HIV without preaching or lecturing. Discusses risk factors, transmission, protection, testing and more!
50 Cosas que debe saber sobre el VIH y las relacioJourneyworks Publishing5237-J12011Outlines the basic facts about HIV without preaching or lecturing. Discusses risk factors, transmission, protection, testing and more
Birth Control: share questions w/ your partnerJourneyworks Publishing5373-J12009Questions to get the conversation going about sharing responsibility
A Teen's Guide to HIV and AIDSJourneyworks Publishing5043-J12009Covers abstinence, condoms, needle use (including tattoos and piercing), how to communicate with partners and more. HIV facts directed to teens
Guia para adolescentes sobra el VIH y SIDAJourneyworks Publishing5550-J12009Covers abstinence, condoms, needle use (including tattoos and piercing), how to communicate with partners and more. HIV facts directed to teens
What every women should know-HPV & cervical cancerJourneyworks Publishing5351-J12010Explains what HPV is and how it is linked to cervical cancer
Lo que toda mujer-el VPH y el cancern del cuelloJourneyworks Publishing5383-J12010Explains what HPV is and how it is linked to cervical cancer

CDC Statement on these materials: This site contains HIV prevention messages that may not be appropriate for all audiences. Since HIV infection is spread primarily through sexual practices or by sharing needles, prevention messages and programs may address these topics. If you are not seeking such information or may be offended by such materails, please exit this website.